Sunday, April 23, 2006

Racism seen nationwide in market test : The Morning Call Online

Racism seen nationwide in market test : The Morning Call Online

Here's a story from the April 16th edition of the Morning Call on housing discrimination. I used to have a client who routinely sent testers out to ferret out this sort of thing, so I'm familiar with what was done to determine discriminatory patterns. I have to say however, that I've not experienced this in my own home purchasing experiences and I believe that that's largely been a function of exhaustive research that I do before buying in a given area. That is to say, I always do my homework by using a variety of sources to develop independent information about any sort of purchase. This leaves me less reliant on the salesperson for information. Having good information leaves me in the "driver's seat" as opposed to being "steered" around. Better information and education can overcome most of these discriminatory practices.

Frederick Douglass once said "the limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Find what a people will willingly allow, and you'll find the exact measure of injustice imposed upon them"

I have a very low tolerance for "enduring" too much of anything. What's your position? Have you experienced steering or housing discrimination?


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