Monday, May 08, 2006

A Very Interesting Video

Hot Talk On Iraq

The link above is to a very good eye opening video regarding the decision to go into Iraq. It features Karen Kwiatowski, a fomer Pentagon desk officer and vocal critic of our government's engagement in Iraq (and what appears to be sabre rattling in preparation to go into Iran). It reveals how the neocon elements within the current adminstration arrived at this decision through subtefuge and outright lies. It's highly disturbing. You'll need about 15-20 minutes to watch it.

Below is some background information on Kwiatkowski from Wikipedia for those who are unfamiliar with her.

Karen Kwiatkowski
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Karen U. Kwiatkowski is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force whose assignments included duties as a Pentagon desk officer and in a variety of roles for the National Security Agency. Since retiring, she has become a noted critic of the U.S. government's involvement in Iraq. Kwiatkowski is primarily known for her insider essays that denounce a corrupting political influence on the course of military intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. She has said that she was the anonymous source used by Seymour Hersh and Warren Strobel in their respective exposés of pre-war intelligence.


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