Monday, July 10, 2006

Black Rebellion Against Fatherlessness

The black rebellion against fatherlessness - The Boston Globe

BLACK BOSTON, like black America, is in the midst of a moral and cultural crisis. Forty years after the passage of groundbreaking voting and civil rights legislation, blacks face dire conditions that would have been inconceivable to the generation who came of age during that period.

We have a generation of young black people who -- unlike many of their ancestors who came out of slavery and entered the last century with strong backs, discipline, and a thirst for literacy -- are living the thug life and are ill-equipped to secure employment.

The crisis of black America is primarily cultural. The Kulturkampf of black-on-black violence is a direct result of the crisis of fatherlessness in the black community. This is a battle between the forces of cultural and intellectual underachievement and the forces of civility, industry, and virtue, essentially a cultural civil war within the black community.

This cultural decay infects almost all social classes but is especially virulent in the lives of the weakest socioeconomic groups. Consequently, a generation of predominantly poor, black youth is in violent rebellion against fatherlessness and, by logical extension, law and order. This largely unacknowledged crisis is part of a larger international narrative; from Kingston to London from Los Angeles to Chicago, we are witnessing the globalization of ``thug life."

The ``gangsta talkin' " world view celebrates and promotes black-on-black violence and criminality, through multibillion-dollar media and fashion industry.....


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