Friday, June 09, 2006

Network Marketing

I ran across this article and thought I'd post it as I know that some people have an interest in network marketing. Since I'm an CPA, I often get approached with network marketing proposals as it's known that most people in my business have a client base that they have some degree of influence over. Without fail, I turn down all of these proposals.

While I believe that network marketing can contribute to an individual's skills, I can't recall one instance where I've seen anyone make any real money at this. I prepare a broad variety of business tax returns and in all the tax returns I've done over the years, I've yet to see anyone make more than $ 500, if that. That's not to suggest that someone isn't making real money, it's just not the vast majority of the people who sign up for this sort of activity. I think the growth in the industry numbers are likely due to purchases of goods and services by aspiring network marketers. Most folks are better served by looking at other opportunities if they wish to make real money.


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