Thursday, April 27, 2006

Is this the year for black, Republican candidates? - Politics -

Is this the year for black, Republican candidates? - Politics -

This article is about two black gubernatorial (including Lynn Swann) and two black senatorial candidates running under the GOP banner this year.

I'd be the first to admit that the GOP has made some visible strides in diverse appointments, but like the article says, the main thing they've got to overcome is the history of the southern strategy; a despicable and divisive strategy that is constantly deployed in national contests. To top it off, I find people like Bush and Rumsfeld highly objectionable. Moreover, their image of being the party of fiscal responsibility is almost laughable with their advocacy of so called supply side economic policy. The only thing those policies have ever produced are yawning budget deficits. The GOP has been hijacked by a bunch of right wing radicals IMO.

It is interesting to note however, that a fair number of African-Americans were in the party of Lincoln up to the advent of Barry Goldwater in the 60's. In a way, both political parties switched positions in the liberal/conservative political spectrum with the Republicans taking up the conservative position. Going back in history, you'll find that the parties occupied exact opposite positions on that spectrum compared to the positions they occupy today.

With the Bush administration's declining poll numbers, it appears that the GOP may have some near term challenges. The new fight for votes between the two parties will be toward the middle rather than the extremes. It should be an interesting November.


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